- Ministry of Education Maps of Plutonium and Strontium Show Wide Dispersion of Supposedly Heavy Nuclides (EX-SKF, Sep. 30, 2011): On September 30 the Ministry of Education and Science posted the blurry maps plotting the locations where plutonium and strontium have been detected. (On the same day, September 30, the national government abolished the evacuation-ready [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 30. September 2011
Japan: New Government Maps Show Wide Dispersion of Plutonium and Strontium
- Ministry of Education Maps of Plutonium and Strontium Show Wide Dispersion of Supposedly Heavy Nuclides (EX-SKF, Sep. 30, 2011): On September 30 the Ministry of Education and Science posted the blurry maps plotting the locations where plutonium and strontium have been detected. (On the same day, September 30, the national government abolished the evacuation-ready [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 29. September 2011
Enron-i-sation of Europe; Is the Euro ‘Beyond Rescue’?
YES (because destroying the euro is the plan of the elitists), … … but your elite puppet governments won’t tell you until the currency reform takes place. The sheeple will not be given a chance to protect their assets, otherwise there would be a run on the banks. Prepare yourself for collapse. Got physical gold [...] continue reading the breaking news
US Secretly Asked Japan To Help Dump Nuclear Reactors Into The Ocean!
- U.S. secretly asked Japan to help dump nuclear reactors (Asahi, Sep. 27, 2011): The United States secretly sought Japan’s support in 1972 to enable it to dump decommissioned nuclear reactors into the world’s oceans under the London Convention, an international treaty being drawn up at the time. Countries working on the wording of the [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 28. September 2011
Police State: NYPD Thug Cop Pepper Sprays Maced Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Video)
- An Important Video to Watch: Pepper-Spray by a Cruel and Cowardly NYC Cop (The Atlantic, Sep. 25, 2011): (Update below.) Unless there is something faked about this video, which is on the New York Times’ City Room site and is based on annotation and slow-mo apparently from USLaw.com, a uniformed New York City police [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 27. September 2011
NYPD Chief: Police Could Take Down Plane If Needed (AP)
- NYPD chief: Police could take down plane if needed (AP, Sep. 26, 2011): NEW YORK (AP) — The chief of the New York Police Department says city police could take down a plane if necessary. Commissioner Ray Kelly tells CBS’ “60 Minutes” that after the Sept. 11 attacks, he decided the city couldn’t rely [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 26. September 2011
EU Given 6 Weeks To Protect Itself Against ‘Inevitable Greek Default’ – IMF Tells Eurozone EFSF May Need To Be Boosted Five-Fold To £1.7 TRILLION
- EU given six weeks to protect itself against ‘inevitable Greek default’ (Telegraph, Sep. 24, 2011): IMF tells eurozone EFSF may need to be boosted five-fold to £1.7tn to convince markets that default could be contained European Union governments will spend the next six weeks building a financial firewall to protect their fragile banking systems [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 25. September 2011
Tony Blair’s Six Secret Meetings With Muammar Gaddafi
- Tony Blair’s six secret visits to Col Gaddafi (Telegraph, Sep. 24, 2011): Tony Blair’s close relationship to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi has come under fresh scrutiny after it emerged he had six private meetings with the dictator in the three years after he left Downing Street. Five of those meetings took place in a 14-month [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 24. September 2011
Absolutely Ridiculous: UNELECTED EU President Herman Van Rompuy Proclaims: EU Is ‘The Fatherland Of Democracy’ (Video)
You can’t make this stuff up. Before: - AND NOW: Germany, France Propose COLLECTIVE ‘GOVERNMENT’ For The Eurozone Led By UNELECTED EU President Flashback: Bilderberg Rompuy … - Bilderberg 2011: The Full Official Attendee List … loves world government, the fascist New World Order: - EU President Herman Van Rompuy Announces 2009 as ‘First Year of [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 23. September 2011
Wake Up, This Was Full-On QE3 That We Just Got!
- Goldman: Wake Up, This Was Full-On QE3 That We Just Got (Business Insider, Sep. 22, 2011): Very important point from Goldman’s Dominic Wilson on yesterday’s “Twist” announcement. Essentially he argues that the part of the operation where the Fed is going to sell $400 billion of short-dated bonds is irrelevant. Only the buying part [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 22. September 2011
Japanese Government To Give Radioactive Canned Fish To Developing Countries For Free To Dispel Radiation ‘Rumor’ (NHK – Video)
YouTube Added: 19.09.2011 More: - BBC Fukushima Propaganda Debunked (Video) - And Now … Japan To Offer Fukushima Products To Developing Countries For Free In Order To Dispel Radiation ‘Rumors’!!! - Thom Hartmann, RT: Fukushima A Dire Warning To The World – Japan (Video Exposing The Criminal Japanese Government) - Fairewinds: Safety Problems In All [...] continue reading the breaking news
Officials: US Assembling Secret Drone Bases In Africa, Arabian Peninsula
On Al-CIAda: “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 21. September 2011
Japanese Government to Invite Foreigners Who Have Large Facebook and Twitter Followers to Tohoku So That They Can Tell Their Followers ‘Japan Is Safe’
- Japanese Government to Invite Foreigners Who Have Large Facebook and Twitter Followers to Tohoku So That They Can Tell Their Followers “Japan Is Safe” (EX-SKF, Sep. 18, 2011): It’s buried in my previous post about radioactive canned fish and wheelchair out of Tohoku as ODA, but this merits its own post because of its [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 20. September 2011
Lloyd’s Insurer Sues Saudi Arabia For ‘Funding 9/11 Attacks’
Sue the CIA and Mossad instead. On 9/11: - Former governor Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: 9/11 - Former governor Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory: 911 Pentagon Attack (Full Episode) - Loose Change (Final Cut) On Al-CIAda: “The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 19. September 2011
List of All 14 Tax Hikes in Obama’s ‘Stimulus 2.0? Plan
- Comprehensive List of All 14 Tax Hikes in Obama’s “Stimulus 2.0″ Plan (Americans For Tax Reform, Sep. 14, 2011): There are fourteen new or higher taxes in President Obama’s “Stimulus 2.0″ plan he wants Congress to pass. Permanent tax hikes for new spending. President Obama has asked Congress to pass his “American Jobs Act,” [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 18. September 2011
Elite Puppet Central Banksters To Bailout Elite Puppet Banksters Worldwide
- Fire Bad! Free Money Good! Traders React to Global Central Bank Bailout (Yahoo News/The Daily Ticker, Sep. 15, 2011): Stocks surged in the U.S. and Europe early Thursday while Treasury prices tumbled on news of a coordinated easing by global central banks. “The Governing Council of the European Central Bank has decided, in coordination [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 17. September 2011
China To ‘Liquidate’ US Treasuries, Not Dollars
- China to ‘liquidate’ US Treasuries, not dollars (Telegraph, Sep. 15, 2011): The debt markets have been warned. A key rate setter-for China’s central bank let slip – or was it a slip? – that Beijing aims to run down its portfolio of US debt as soon as safely possible. “The incremental parts of our [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 16. September 2011
Europe’s Debt Crisis Prompts Central Banks To Flood Markets With Dollar Liquidity
What confidence? What market? - Europe’s debt crisis prompts central banks to provide dollar liquidity (Guardian, Sep. 15, 2011): European and US stocks surge on news that world banks will flood markets – but Lagarde warns of ‘dangerous’ new phase Fears of a deepening of Europe’s debt crisis have prompted the world’s leading central banks [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 15. September 2011
TSA Agents And Cops Arrested For Drug Smuggling
- TSA agents, cops arrested in drug trafficking case (MSNBC, Sep. 13, 2011): Officers transported tens of thousands of oxycodone pills from Florida to New York and Connecticut, feds say Three TSA agents and at least two police officers have been arrested, accused of being involved in a massive oxycodone trafficking operation between Connecticut, New [...] continue reading the breaking news
Huge Amounts Of Neptunium 239 Detected 60 Km From Fukushima!!!
- Nikkan SPA Magazine: Researcher Says Large Amount of Neptunium-239 Also in Date City, Fukushima (EX-SKF, Sep. 12, 2011): It’s the same researcher who said several thousand becquerels/kg of neptunium-239 was found in the soil in Iitate-mura, about 35 km northwest of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. It seems it’s not just Iitate-mura that got [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 14. September 2011
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
A must-see! YouTube Added: 11.09.2011 Transcript and sources: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=2594: Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes. TRANSCRIPT: On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 13. September 2011
9/11 Commission Admits: We Never Got All Of The Facts
- 9/11 Commission Admits It Never Got The Facts … But No One Wants to Hear From the People Who Know What Happened (ZeroHedge, Sep. 9, 2011): 9/11 Commission: We Never Got All of the Facts 9/11 Commissioners admit that they never got to the bottom of 9/11. For example: 9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 12. September 2011
New York Police Tightens Security, Stops Trucks in Midtown After 9/11 Terror Warning
See also: - 9/11 Anniversary: US Terror Threat Initiated By New Al-CIAda Chief Zawahiri - New York Tightens Security, Stops Trucks in Midtown After Terror Warning (Bloomberg, Sep. 10, 2011): Authorities in New York and New Jersey increased security after reports of a credible, uncorroborated threat that terrorists may be plotting an attack in the [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 11. September 2011
Germany Is Said To Prepare ‘Plan B’ To Assist Banks If Greece Defaults On Debt (Bloomberg)
‘Plan B’ really is ‘Plan A’! Censored Forbes article: - Greek Euro Exit: 60% Currency Devaluation, Default, Banking Sector Collapse Prepare for collapse: - Prof. Dr. Schachtschneider: ‘EU Super State Was Doomed To Failure’ – ‘The Euro Will Inevitably Fail’ - Deutsche Bank CEO (BILDERBERG) Josef Ackermann Just Gave A Terrifying Speech In Frankfurt (Video) [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 10. September 2011
Counterterrorism At The Mall of America
From the article: According to the 18-page report on Van Asten, the mall’s RAM unit thought he was “very suspicious” because he kept filming as he walked. He didn’t start and stop like most people do. Van Asten says that’s true. He wanted to convey the experience of going to the mall. The counterterrorism unit [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 9. September 2011
German Top Court: European Bailout Constitutional
What??? Now that would have been a pleasant surprise if the elitists didn’t have the judges in their back pocket, wouldn’t it? Related info (in German): - Prof. Dr. Schachtschneider Zum Urteil Über Die Rechtmäßigkeit Der Transferunion – ‘Der Materielle Bundeskanzler In Deutschland Heisst Josef Ackermann’ (Video): Heute war ein Schicksalstag für Deutschland und Europa. [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 8. September 2011
DHS Loses Own Explosives During Live Terror Drill At Phoenix Airport!!! (Video)
YouTube Added: 05.09.2011 Flashback: - And NOW … TSA Forgets To Tell Cops About ‘Terrorist’ Drill, Police Evacuate Airport And Seize ‘Terrorist’ With Fake Bomb continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 7. September 2011
Chicago: Several 6-Year-Old Kids Handcuffed And Threatened For Hours For Talking In Their First Grade Class
- 6-year-old kids handcuffed in class (RT, Sep. 2, 2011): A lawsuit out of Chicago, Illinois alleges that several 6- and 7-year-old students at a city public school were handcuffed and threatened for hours all for talking during their first grade class. LaShanda Smith, one of the student’s mothers, is seeking $100,000 from the city [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 6. September 2011
Germany: Angela Merkel’s CDU Party Loses Home-State Election
- German Stocks Fall as Merkel’s Party Loses Home-State Election (Bloomberg, September 5, 2011): Sept. 5 (Bloomberg) — German stocks retreated to the lowest level since November 2009 after German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party suffered its fifth election loss this year and European services and manufacturing growth weakened in August. Deutsche Bank AG fell to [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 5. September 2011
Gaddafi Son Saif’s Speech (Sept 01, 2011 – English)
YouTube Added: 01.09.2011 See also: - Webster Tarpley: Al-Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW, and Infamous Killer of US Soldiers in Afghanistan - France Made Secret Deal With NTC For 35% Of Libya’s [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 4. September 2011
Why The Elitists (Rothschilds etc.) Are Destroying Libya (Video)
Flashback. YouTube Added: 28.08.2011 See also: - NATO Rebel Tactics Mean Libyans Can Never Surrender (Video) - Gaddafi Son Saif’s Speech (Sept 01, 2011 – English) - Webster Tarpley: Al-Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former [...] continue reading the breaking news
More And More Chinese Dissidents ‘Disappear’
- More Chinese Dissidents Appear to Disappear (New York Times, September 2, 2011): BEIJING — Last Jan. 27, an Inner Mongolian rights activist, Govruud Huuchinhuu, suddenly vanished after leaving a hospital where she had undergone treatment for cancer. On Feb. 16, the Beijing human-rights lawyer Tang Jitian vanished after being forcibly taken away by police [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 2. September 2011
Maryanne Godbaldo: ‘Don’t Drug My Child Or I’ll Shoot!’ – Maryanne Godbaldo Cleared Of Criminal Charges
Don’t Drug my Child or I’ll Shoot! YouTube Added: 31.08.2011 Detroit mother Maryanne Godbaldo is cleared of criminal charges related to her effort to prevent Child Services from physically taking her child from … continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 1. September 2011
NATO Rebel Tactics Mean Libyans Can Never Surrender (Video)
YouTube Added: 01.09.2011 ‘Surrender To What? Rape, Pillage, Abduction, Murder?’ See also: - Gaddafi Son Saif’s Speech (Sept 01, 2011 – English) - Webster Tarpley: Al-Qaeda Commander of NATO’s Bloody Reign of Terror in Tripoli is the Monster Abdel Hakim Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al-Hasadi, Friend of Osama Bin Laden, former US POW, and Infamous [...] continue reading the breaking news
Choice For EU: Bail Out Greece Or Bail Your Banks (WSJ)
See also: - Greece To Default: Interest Rate On 1-Year Greek Government Debt At Whopping 60 Percent!!! - The Second Bailout Has Now Failed: Greece Activates Last-Ditch Liquidity Rescue Package To Preserve Its Financial System Got PHYSICAL gold and silver? - Choice for EU: Bail Out Greece or Bail Your Banks (Wall Street Journal, AUGUST [...] continue reading the breaking news
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