Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

The European (Non-)Bailout Explained (Video) … And Why Europe ‘Is Screwed’: ‘Dumb Money’ Refuses To Play Along: China State Media Says It Won’t Rescue Europe

See also: - Nigel Farage On Freedom Watch: Eventually Events Will Be Too Big For Any Bailout (Video – Oct. 26, 2011) ?- ?Bilderberg Merkel Warns Of War In Europe If Euro Fails – EU Summit Seals 1 Trillion Euro Deal – Banks Agree On 50% Write-Off Of Greek Debt -  Euro bailout – an [...] continue reading the breaking news

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout – ‘High Concentrations’ Reached North America And Europe (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011)

The article/paper of the European Geosciences Union … - Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition … appears to have been changed. - Ocean Absorbed 79 Percent Of Fukushima Fallout (Forbes, Oct. 29, 2011): About 19 percent of airborne [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 29. Oktober 2011

AND NOW: Burned Radioactive Sewage Sludge Dumped In Tokyo Bay (Video)

AND DON’T MISS THIS ONE: - AND NOW: Japanese Government BURNS HIGHLY RADIOACTIVE SOIL In New Experiment To Remove Radioactive Cesium - 8,000 Bq/Kg of radioactive sewage sludge incinerated ash is being dumped in Tokyo Bay (Fukushima Diary, Oct. 28, 2011): YouTube I loved Tokyo Bay. It used to be polluted in 60s but recently [...] continue reading the breaking news

AND NOW: 110 Microsieverts Per Hour Detected At Tokyo Supermarket

- Breaking News: 110 micro Sv/h in Setagaya (Fukushima Diary, Oct. 28, 2011): In Setagaya, Tokyo, ward mayor held an emergency press conference at 10PM, 10/28/2011. They announced that they measured 110 micro Sv/h near a supermarket, “Powerlarks Setagaya” in Setagaya Yawatayama. Now they are conducting the further investigation with Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011

Bilderberg Merkel Warns Of War In Europe If Euro Fails – EU Summit Seals 1 Trillion Euro Deal – Banks Agree On 50% Write-Off Of Greek Debt

“Another half century of peace and prosperity in Europe is not to be taken for granted. If the euro fails, Europe fails.” - German Chancellor Angela ­Merkel And the euro will fail. - British Foreign Secretary William Hague Condemns Crumbling Euro As A ‘Historical Monument To Collective Folly’, Says Euro Is A ‘Burning Building With [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

US Government’s Top Nuclear Regulator Gregory Jaczko: No One Died From Radiation Exposure At Fukushima

Make him move to Fukushima city, … … which is 60 km from the Fukushima nuclear plant, … - Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area … and let’s see his reaction. Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, [...] continue reading the breaking news

Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

Total US State Debt Over $4 Trillion

- Debts of states over $4 trillion: Budget group (Reuters, Oct. 24, 2011): The total of U.S. state debt, including pension liabilities, could surpasses $4 trillion, with California owing the most and Vermont owing the least, according to an analysis released on Monday. The nonprofit State Budget Solutions combined states’ major debt and future liabilities, [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

Gaddafi’s Final Hours: Nato And The SAS Helped Rebels Drive Hunted Leader Into Endgame In A Desert Drain (Telegraph)

It all makes ‘perfect sense’: - AND NOW: Gaddafi Body Being Taken To SECRET Location: NTC Official - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Absolute Sure MUAMMAR GADDAFI Is ALIVE – ‘Obama Is An Obsessional Pathological Liar!’ (Video): “There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

IAEA To Japanese People: Don’t Worry Be Happy … While Citizens Groups Find More Radiation Hot Spots In Tokyo

And the food in Japan is safe … as hell: - Over 50% Of Tested Seafood Samples From Japanese Supermarkets Contain Radioactive Cesium – Radioactive Fukushima Rice Headed For Restaurants And Schools … And Consumers In Tokyo! - Fukushima Children Forced To Drink Radioactive Milk At School (Upper House Budget Committee, Sep. 29, 2011 – [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

Researchers Find 6.15 MILLION Becquerels Per Square Metre In Fukushima City (Over 290,000 People), 4 Times Higher Than Chernobyl Mandatory Evacuation Area

- Critics urge Japan to widen nuclear evacuation zone (Monsters & Critics, Oct 20, 2011): Tokyo – Scientists, environmentalists and citizens groups have called for Japanese authorities to evacuate more areas in the wake of March’s nuclear accident after finding wider radiation contamination than officially reported. Researchers have found up to 6.15 million becquerels per [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik Absolut Sure MUAMMAR GADDAFI Is ALIVE – ‘Obama Is An Obsessional Pathological Liar!’ (Video)

“There’s no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi, that’s not our operating mode and I’ve been involved in 30 years with the takeouts and change the regimes.” YouTube Added: 20.10.2011 Flashback: - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Day America Died – The Only Future For Americans Is A Nightmare - Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

Ron Paul On CNN: Iran Plot Is War Propaganda – ‘I Don’t Think Iranians Are That Stupid’ – Economic Plan To Restore America (Video)

YouTube Added: 17.10.2011 See also: - Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s Economic Plan to Restore America (Press Conference – Video) - Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s Agenda Includes Eliminating Five Government Departments, Saving $1 Trillion In Spending And A Presidential Salary Of Just $39,336 (Instead of $400,000) - Freedom Watch: ‘Israelis, Saudis’ Behind Iran Terror Plot (Video) [...] continue reading the breaking news

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

Japanese Communities Detect Chernoblyl-Level Radiation (ABC News – Video)

YouTube Added: 19.10.2011 Thousands of Japanese forced to evacuate their homes by the Fukushima nuclear disaster are facing the prospect of never being able to return. More info: - TOKYO: 29 Out Of 30 Teas Contaminated With Radioactive Cesium, 3 Exceeding Provisional Safety Limit - Local Government Official Oyama Koichi Tells Young People To Leave [...] continue reading the breaking news

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s Economic Plan to Restore America (Press Conference – Video)

YouTube Added: 17.10.2011 See also: - Presidential Candidate Ron Paul’s Agenda Includes Eliminating Five Government Departments, Saving $1 Trillion In Spending And A Presidential Salary Of Just $39,336 (Instead of $400,000) - Ron Paul 2012: The Only One We Can Trust When a country embarks on deficit financing (Bush-Obamanomics) and inflationism (Quantitative easing) you wipe [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2011

Freedom Watch: ‘Israelis, Saudis’ Behind Iran Terror Plot (Video)

YouTube Added: 15.10.2011 See also: - Freedom Watch: Judge Napolitano Accuses AG Holder Of Using Iran Assassination Plot To Distract From ‘Fast And Furious’ Scandal (Video) continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

Geithner: US To Play ‘Very Major Role’ In Helping Europe

From the article: “Geithner said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has “very substantial” resources to fund a device that could look like the Troubled Asset Relief Program,…” !!! Here is a  different truth directly from the head of the IMF: !!! - Christine Lagarde: IMF May Need A BAILOUT Elite puppet Geithner also told you [...] continue reading the breaking news

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

115-Year-Old Electric Car Gets Same 40 Miles To The Charge As Highly Praised Chevy Volt

From the article: As the New York Times reported September 5, “For General Motors and the Obama administration, the new Chevrolet Volt plug-in hybrid represents the automotive future, the culmination of decades of high-tech research financed partly with federal dollars.” Flashback (A MUST-SEE!!!): - Who Killed The Electric Car? (Documentary) - Man Builds Electric Car [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011

Bizarre Iranian Plot Goes Against All That Is Known Of Iran’s Intelligence Service

See also: - Iran’s Alleged Mexican Hitman Was US DRUGS INFORMANT - This bizarre plot goes against all that is known of Iran’s intelligence service (independent, Oct. 13, 2011): The claim that Iran employed a used-car salesman with a conviction for cheque fraud to hire Mexican gangsters to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington goes [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011

Iran’s Alleged Mexican Hitman Was US DRUGS INFORMANT

Why the fake Iranian plot? To prepare you for the planned attack on Iran (and WW III) … … and to distract you from operation ‘Fast And Furious’! More here: - Freedom Watch: Judge Napolitano Accuses AG Holder Of Using Iran Assassination Plot To Distract From ‘Fast And Furious’ Scandal (Video) Zeta cartel ‘assassin’ hired [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011

The Cure For The Housing Market: Alan Greenspan: ‘Buying The Homes And Destroying Them Or Burning Them Was The Low Cost Option’

And don’t forget to ask Greenspan for his solution regarding social security, medicare, medicaid and unemployment … … or even overpopulation. Remember that Alan Greenspan is THE ONE who created this mess in the first place. Peter Schiff on Alan Greenspan: ‘Alan Greenspan is not just the worst Fed chairman we’ve ever had, I think [...] continue reading the breaking news

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

Fast And Furious: 22 Shocking Facts About The Scandal That Could Bring Down The Obama Administration

See also: ?- Arizona Sheriff Explains Operation ‘Fast And Furious’, Calls ATF And Eric Holder Murder Accomplices (Video) - Fast And Furious: 22 Shocking Facts About The Scandal That Could Bring Down The Obama Administration (The American Dream): Could Fast and Furious be the scandal that brings down the Obama administration?  With the full knowledge [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

More Than 6 Million Americans To Lose Unemployment Benefits In 2012

- Millions could lose unemployment benefits in 2012 (CNN Money, Oct. 11, 2011): Millions of unemployed Americans are waiting for Congress to do something other than trade barbs over their job creation plans. If lawmakers don’t act soon, the jobless see their unemployment checks start to disappear come January. More than 6 million Americans are [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

300,000 Bq/m² of Radioactive Cesium at Okutama Region Where Tokyo’s Drinking Water Comes From

See also: - Tokyo Tap Water In Crisis, Comes From Chernobyl-Like Contaminated Area (100,000 – 300,000 Bq/m2): However, Okutama area, where Tokyo tap water comes is as dangerous as “contaminated area” in Chernobyl. According to the data above, 100,000 ~ 300,000 Bq/m2 was measured in Okutama area. - Okutama cesium level seen spiking (Japan Times, [...] continue reading the breaking news

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Senior Fukushima Nuclear Engineer: ‘It’s Endless, Endless’ – ‘The Task Will Never End’

From the article: “It’s endless, endless. The task will never end,” said a senior nuclear engineer who spends six hours a day, five days a week supervising the effort to make sure the reactor cores that partially melted down in March remain immersed in cooling water. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the nuclear worker [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011

Israel: 500,000 People (Jews, Arabs, Foreign Workers, Refugees And Students) Protest Against Economic & Political System In Tel Aviv, Demand Social Justice

- From ‘Open Our Minds’: Tel Aviv, Israel — Half a million protesters against the economic and political system – and that in a country of 7 million inhabitants. Jews, Arabs, foreign workers, refugees and students marched together chanting “The people demand social justice”. continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011

300,000 Bq/Kg Of Radioactive Cesium In Fukushima City Soil

- #Radiation in Japan: 300,000 Bq/Kg of Radioactive Cesium from Soil in Fukushima City (EX-SKF, Oct. 4, 2011): NGO “FoE Japan (Friends of Earth Japan) did its own survey of radiation contamination in Watari District in Fukushima City with the help from Professor Tomoya Yamauchi of Kobe University. Watari District has high radiation levels throughout [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011

Qatari Sovereign Wealth Fund Plans $10 Billion Gold Buying Spree

- Qatari wealth fund plans $10bn gold buying spree (Telegraph, Oct. 2, 2011): The Qatari Royal family plans to spend up to $10bn (£6.4bn) buying stakes in gold producers through their sovereign wealth fund, The Daily Telegraph can disclose. The fund is seeking to invest in a range of natural resources, but gaining access to [...] continue reading the breaking news

Russia’s Vladimir Putin Wants To Build ‘Eurasian Union’

- Russia’s Putin says wants to build “Eurasian Union” (Reuters, Oct. 4, 2011): MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he wants to bring ex-Soviet states into a “Eurasian Union” in an article which outlined his first foreign policy initiative as he prepares to return to the Kremlin as the country’s next president. [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

Presidential Candidate Rick Perry Open To Send US Military To Kill Drug Cartels IN MEXICO

- Rick Perry says U.S. troops may needed in Mexico to fight war against drug cartels (Daily Mail, Oct. 2, 2011): Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry has said that he is open to sending American troops to Mexico to help battle drug cartels. Mr Perry, the Texas governor, likened the situation to Colombia, where the [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Day America Died – The Only Future For Americans Is A Nightmare

“What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.” - Adolf Hitler “Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.” - Adolf Hitler “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 3. Oktober 2011

‘Occupy Wall Street’: The Marines Are Coming To PROTECT The Protesters

- OccupyWallStreet – ‘The Marines are Coming to PROTECT the Protestors’: October 1, 2011 – TAMPA, FL – The Occupy Wall Street movement may have just received an unexpected surprise – United States Army and Marine troops are reportedly on their way to various protest locations to support the movement and to protect the protesters. [...] continue reading the breaking news

Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2011

Radioactive ‘Ekiden’ Marathon Race In Fukushima City In 1 Microsievert/Hr Radiation For Teenage Female Runners

Fukushima city should have been evacuated a long time ago: - Prof. Chris Busby On HOT PARTICLES – ‘The Citizens Of Fukushima Are Living In An Area Which The Soviet Union Would Have Considered To Be An Exclusion Zone In Terms Of Radioactivity’! - WAKE-UP CALL: Prof. Tatsuhiko Kodama of Tokyo University To Japan Government [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011

White House Refuses To Release Osama Bin Laden Death Photos

- White House Refuses to Release ‘Gruesome’ Osama Bin Laden Death Photos (ABC News, Sept. 28, 2011 ): ???The CIA has 52 separate photos and videos of Osama bin Laden’s body, the U.S. raid that killed him, and his burial at sea, but refuses to release them. In a Justice Department document filed earlier this [...] continue reading the breaking news