Mittwoch, 30. November 2011

US Judge Orders Hundreds Of Sites ‘De-Indexed’ From Google, Facebook

- US judge orders hundreds of sites “de-indexed” from Google, Facebook (Ars Technica, Nov. 29, 2011): After a series of one-sided hearings, luxury goods maker Chanel has won recent court orders against hundreds of websites trafficking in counterfeit luxury goods. A federal judge in Nevada has agreed that Chanel can seize the domain names in [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 29. November 2011

China Supports Pakistan In Row Over NATO Border Attack

China says it is ‘deeply shocked’ by Pakistani soldiers’ deaths, as Afghan and Nato officials again say they came under fire first Pakistan’s ally China says it is ‘deeply shocked’ by a cross-border attack by Nato forces in Afghanistan that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers Link to this video - China Supports Pakistan In Row Over [...] continue reading the breaking news

‘It’s Like Russian Roulette’: No More Than 20% Of Municipalities Testing School Lunches For Radiation (Only 10% In Fukushima And 8% In Miyagi!)

- Nuke fears may spread faster than radiation (Japan Times, Nov. 27, 2011): If you’re a parent seeking reassurance, don’t look to Sunday Mainichi magazine, which last week pointedly demanded, “Are children’s school lunches really safe?” Chiba Prefecture in October initiated daily testing, and two weeks later detected radioactive cesium — 350 becquerels — in [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 28. November 2011

Australia: Immunize Your Children Or Lose Benefits, Parents Told (ABC News, Nov. 25, 2011)

Photo: Families who refuse vaccinations face losing up to $2,100 per child in benefits (Jewel Samad: AFP) - Immunise or lose benefits, parents told (ABC News, Nov. 25, 2011): Parents who do not have their children fully immunised will be stripped of family tax benefits under a scheme announced by the Federal Government. The Government [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 26. November 2011

UN Report Reveals Torture, Lynchings And Abuse In Post-Gaddafi Libya

See also: - Libya: As Lawlessness Spreads, Are The Rebel ‘Good Guys’ Turning Bad? (Telegraph, Nov. 5, 2011) - Leaked UN report reveals torture, lynchings and abuse in post-Gaddafi Libya (Independent, Nov. 24, 2011): Thousands of people, including women and children, are being illegally detained by rebel militias in Libya, according to a report by [...] continue reading the breaking news

Deutsche Bank Exercises In MADness: ‘Crisis Likely To Get Worse Before It Can Get Better … If Indeed It Ever Does’

- Deutsche Bank Exercises In MADness: “Crisis Likely To Get Worse Before It Can Get Better… If Indeed It Ever Does” (ZeroHedge, Nov. 25, 2011): Deutsche Bank’s Jim Reid, who has taken etudes in Mutual Assured Destruction to a level not even Leopold Godowsky would be able to execute (which is expected: DB is the [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 25. November 2011

Prof. Dr. Chris Busby (George Monbiot, Aka ‘The Great Moonbat’, Understandably Refused To Come) On Long Term Radiation Effects (Video – Oxford Town Hall)

Dr. Busby would have exposed the complete ignorance of George Monbiot, like Dr. Helen Caldicott did before. Introducing ‘The Great Moonbat’: - “Prescription for Survival”: A Debate on the Future of Nuclear Energy Between Anti-Coal Advocate George Monbiot and Anti-Nuclear Activist Dr. Helen Caldicott (Democracy Now): Guests: George Monbiot, British journalist and author. He is [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

Mittwoch, 23. November 2011

DARPA: Do Away With Antibiotics, Then Destroy All Pathogens

See also: - Scientists Find That Nanoparticles Destroy The Brain What could possibly go wrong? - Darpa: Do Away With Antibiotics, Then Destroy All Pathogens (Wired, Nov. 21, 2011): Last year, federal officials warned that Americans were on the verge of “a post-antibiotic era.” And that’s exactly what the Pentagon’s far-out research agency is after. [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Egypt: Tahrir Square Protesters Vow ‘Fight To Death’ For End Of Military Rule

See also: - Egypt Clashes: At Least 22 Die In Tahrir Square (Video, Nov. 21, 2011) - Egypt: Cairo (Tahrir Square) Riots – Cops Fire Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets – Excuses In Washington, Obama Administration Sides With The Military Egypt’s ruling junta has slowly transformed from heroes of uprising to the focus of its wrath [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 21. November 2011

‘New Italian Government Does Not Include A Single Elected Politician’ (Telegraph)

Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich, Germany 1940 See also: - Chairman Of The European Branch Of The Trilateral Commission And Bilderberg Member Mario Monti Member Is Italy’s New Prime Minister - Goldman Sachs International Advisor Mario Monti Is Italy’s New Prime Minister – In Under Two Weeks, Goldman Has Taken Over The ECB [...] continue reading the breaking news

Sonntag, 20. November 2011

US Judge Declares Law Governing Warrantless Cellphone Tracking UNCONSTITUTIONAL

- Judge Declares Law Governing Warrantless Cellphone Tracking Unconstitutional (Wall Street Journal, Nov. 16, 2011): In a succinct one-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Lynn N. Hughes of the Southern District of Texas declared that the law authorizing the government to obtain cellphone records without a search warrant was unconstitutional. “The records would show the [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 19. November 2011

Russian Military Chief Warns NATO: ‘Under Certain Conditions Local And Regional Conflicts May Develop Into A Full-Scale War Involving Nuclear Weapons’

Chief of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces Gen. Nikolai Makarov - Russian military chief warns of nuclear war risks (AP, Nov 17, 2011): MOSCOW (AP) — Russia is facing a heightened risk of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that have the potential of turning nuclear, the nation’s top military officer [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 18. November 2011

Bilderberg Angela Merkel Said She Would ‘Give Up A Piece Of National Sovereignty’ To Save The Euro

See also: - Masonic Goldman Sachs Controls Europe (France 24 – Video) - Chairman Of The European Branch Of The Trilateral Commission And Bilderberg Member Mario Monti Member Is Italy’s New Prime Minister - Goldman Sachs International Advisor Mario Monti Is Italy’s New Prime Minister – In Under Two Weeks, Goldman Has Taken Over The [...] continue reading the breaking news

Police Hit Occupy Seattle Protesters With Pepper Spray (Video)

- Police hit Occupy Seattle protesters with pepper spray – video (Guardian, Nov. 17, 2011): US officers used pepper spray on Occupy demonstrators, reportedly including an 84-year-old woman and a pregnant woman. The police sought to prevent a protest march from continuing down the middle of a street, blocking traffic in downtown Seattle. Four protesters [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 17. November 2011

$15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOOBAMA! – It’s Official: Total US Debt Passes $15 Trillion

- $15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOOBAMA! – It’s Official: Total US Debt Passes $15 Trillion (ZeroHedge, Nov. 16, 2011): Too sad for commentary, but here is some math: total US debt has increased by 41.5%, or $4.4 trillion, from $10,626,877,048,913 on January 20, to $15,033,607,255,920, under Obama as president. (as a reminder the most recently updated debt ceiling is [...] continue reading the breaking news

Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

Melted Nuclear Fuel From Reactors No. 1, 2, 3 Seems Leaking Out From Under Reactor Buildings (Mainichi)

- Gov’t aims for ‘cold shutdown’ of Fukushima reactors, but bemoans lack of data (Mainichi Japan, Nov. 14, 2011): At the No. 1, 2 and 3 reactors, melted nuclear fuel seems to be penetrating the pressure vessels and even leaking out from the reactor buildings. … At the No. 4 reactor, which has no nuclear [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 15. November 2011

Adrian Salbuchi For RT: Socializing Losses: Trilateral Commission Takeover Of Europe?

Related info: - Goldman Sachs International Advisor Mario Monti Is Italy’s New Prime Minister – In Under Two Weeks, Goldman Has Taken Over The ECB And Italy - Chairman Of The European Branch Of The Trilateral Commission And Bilderberg Member Mario Monti Member Is Italy’s New Prime Minister Flashback: - Argentina’s Economic Collapse (Documentary) - [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 14. November 2011

So Much For ‘Europe Is Fixed’: French, Spanish, And Belgian CDS Hit New Records

- So Much For “Europe Is Fixed”: French, Spanish, And Belgian CDS Hit New Records (ZeroHedge, Nov. 14, 2011): It seems that rotating a few pawns at the top is not quite the bazooka everyone expected it to be last week. Case in point: CDS in the core European trio of France, Spain and Belgium [...] continue reading the breaking news

Sonntag, 13. November 2011

Radioactive Ekiden Marathon Race: Girls Are Running in Radiation Often Higher Than In ‘No Entry’ Zone

Madness continuous to hit new record highs. Flashback: – Radioactive ‘Ekiden’ Marathon Race In Fukushima City In 1 Microsievert/Hr Radiation For Teenage Female Runners AGAIN, Fukushima city should have been evacuated a looooong time ago. - #Radioactive Ekiden Road Race: Girls Are Running in Radiation Often Higher Than That in Front of J-Village (EX-SKF, Nov. [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 12. November 2011

S&P And Fitch Warn About Cutting Hungary’s Credit Rating To Junk

- Hungary May Be Pushed to Junk Grade This Month on S&P Move (Bloomberg, Nov. 12, 2011): Hungary’s sovereign credit grade may be cut to junk this month after Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services placed the country’s lowest investment grade on “CreditWatch with negative implications.” S&P is likely to make a decision this month on [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 11. November 2011

Cops Assault Protesters At University Of California Berkeley (Video)

- Did Police go too far with clashes at Berkeley? (RT, Nov. 10, 2011): Demonstrators at the University of California Berkeley were assaulted by police on Wednesday night for failing to leave a peaceful encampment they attempted to establish in solidarity with the nationwide Occupy Wall Street movement. In conjunction with the Occupy protests, demonstrators [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool Is Completely ‘EXPOSED’ – Ambulances Heard At Least 10 Times A Day At Fukushima Nuclear Plant (Video)

Flashback: - If Fukushima Reactor No. 4 Fuel Rods Spill On The Ground Tokyo And Yokohama Will Be Lost Chief nuclear engineer Arnie Gunderson: - Leave Tokyo If There Is A Severe Aftershock And The Unit 4 Building Collapses - Leakage from spent fuel pool of reactor 4 (Fukushima Diary, Nov. 9, 2011): Tepco announced [...] continue reading the breaking news

Mittwoch, 9. November 2011

PM Berlusconi Says He’s Resigning For The Good Of Italy

The rat is leaving the sinking ship: - Italian Bonds: 2-Year Note Yields Rise Above 10-Year Rates, 5-Year Debt Climbs Above 7.5 Percent! - Berlusconi says he’s resigning for good of Italy (Businessweek/AP, Nov. 9, 2011) ROME — Premier Silvio Berlusconi says his decision to resign after parliament passes economic reforms is for the good [...] continue reading the breaking news

‘Property Prices Are In Freefall In China’ – ‘The Price War Has Begun’ – ‘The Biggest Housing Bubble Ever Created’ (Forbes, Nov. 6 , 2011)

- Property Prices Collapse in China. Is This a Crash? (Forbes, Nov. 6 , 2011): Residential property prices are in freefall in China as developers race to meet revenue targets for the year in a quickly deteriorating market. The country’s largest builders began discounting homes in Shanghai, Beijing, and Shenzhen in recent weeks, and the [...] continue reading the breaking news

Montag, 7. November 2011

Prof. Chris Busby On RT: US Used ENRICHED URANIUM WEAPONS On Iraq (Video)

Raising the possibility that enriched uranium and not ‘just’ depleted uranium has also been used in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya. YouTube Added: 26.10.2011 Using depleted uranium is GENOCIDE: - Depleted Uranium Shells Worse Than Nuclear Weapons (Natural News): Inhaled or ingested DU particles are highly toxic, and DU has been classified as an illegal weapon [...] continue reading the breaking news

Samstag, 5. November 2011

’15,000 Strong’ Army Gathers To Take On Syria

- ’15,000 Strong’ Army Gathers To Take On Syria (Telegraph, Nov. 3, 2011): An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare. The national “Syrian Free Army” aims to be the “military [...] continue reading the breaking news

Acute Leukemia Cases Spiking In Japan

- Acute leukemia case is spiking up (Fukushima Diary, Nov. 3, 2011): @jadesurfkent jadesurf ?????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? A medical staff of a hospital leaks information. As the person says, the case of acute leukemia is unusually increasing. It used to be lymphoma malignum most of the cases. This is too obvious [...] continue reading the breaking news

Freitag, 4. November 2011

Minister Farrakhan Blasts The Media & Reporters During Radio Interview Commercial! (Video)

YouTube Added: 29.10.2011 “The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” – Albert Einstein “There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not [...] continue reading the breaking news

Donnerstag, 3. November 2011

Israel May Be Preparing Nuclear Attack On Iran, Speeds Up Ballistic Missile Tests – Netanyahu & Barak ‘Favor An Attack’, ‘Lobby Cabinet Members For Military Strike’

“Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower Don’t miss: - Freedom Watch: ‘Israelis, Saudis’ Behind Iran Terror Plot (FOX News – Video) - President Obama Secretly Sold 55 Bunker-Busting Bombs To Israel (AFP) - [...] continue reading the breaking news

Mittwoch, 2. November 2011

Japanese Urged To Wrap Up Warm And Eat Soup This Winter To Save Energy

- Japanese urged to wrap up warm and eat soup to save energy (Telegraph, Nov. 01, 2011): The people of Japan are being urged to pull on their woolly clothes and stock up on vegetable soup this winter in order to limit demand on the nation’s over-stretched power plants. The government has launched a nationwide [...] continue reading the breaking news

Dienstag, 1. November 2011

Saadi Gaddafi Smuggled Into Niger By Team Of New Zealand, Australian, Russian and Iraqi Ex-Special Forces

Saadi Gaddafi was smuggled into Niger by a team of ex-special forces soldiers from around the world, according to a former Australian soldier who claims to be the personal bodyguard of the son of the former Libyan dictator. Saadi Gaddafi is facing demands for his extradition from Niger - Saadi Gaddafi ‘smuggled into Niger by [...] continue reading the breaking news