- David Petraeus To Head Private Equity Firm KKR’s New Global Institute (Huffington Post, May 30, 2013): Retired Army Gen. David Petraeus will take a new job with investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. as he attempts to rebuild his reputation after an extramarital affair with a biographer triggered his resignation as CIA [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 31. Mai 2013
Former CIA Director David Petraeus Cashes In, To Head Private Equity Firm KKR’s New Global Institute
- David Petraeus To Head Private Equity Firm KKR’s New Global Institute (Huffington Post, May 30, 2013): Retired Army Gen. David Petraeus will take a new job with investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. as he attempts to rebuild his reputation after an extramarital affair with a biographer triggered his resignation as CIA [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013
Let’s Be Clear: Establishing A ‘No-Fly Zone’ Is An ACT Of War (The Atlantic)
War with Russia, anyone? - Putin Again Warns Netanyahu Hands Off Syria - Putin: Russia Will Not Tolerate Another Israeli Attack On Syria And Would Respond - Russia Sends At Least 12 Warships To Syria (Times Of Israel) - Let’s Be Clear: Establishing a ‘No-Fly Zone’ Is an Act of War (The Atlantic, May 29, [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013
Operators Of Global Currency Exchange ‘Liberty Reserve’ Ran $6 BILLION Money-Laundering Operation Online
www.libertyreserve.com: - Online Currency Exchange Accused of Laundering $6 Billion (New York Times, May 28, 2013): The operators of a global currency exchange ran a $6 billion money-laundering operation online, a central hub for criminals trafficking in everything from stolen identities to child pornography, federal prosecutors in New York said on Tuesday. The currency exchange, [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013
Russia, Greece, Turkey, Other Central Banks Buy Gold; China’s PBOC Buying?
- Russia, Greece, Turkey, Other Central Banks Buy Gold; China’s PBOC Buying? (ZeroHedge, May 27, 2013) continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 27. Mai 2013
40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe
- 40 Statistics About The Fall Of The U.S. Economy That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe (Economic Collapse, May 26, 2013): If you know someone that actually believes that the U.S. economy is in good shape, just show them the statistics in this article. When you step back and look at the long-term trends, [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013
U.S. Senate Killed GMO Labeling Bill On Eave Of Marches Against Monsanto
- On the eve of March against Monsanto Senate shoots down GMO labeling bill (RT, May 24, 2013): As 200,000 people prepare to march against Monsanto, the Senate has overwhelmingly rejected a bill that would allow states to decide if genetically modified food products should be labeled. The amendment shot down by the Senate would [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 25. Mai 2013
Three Of The Four U.S. Citizens Killed With Drones Were Killed By Accident
- Three of the Four U.S. Citizens Killed with Drones were Killed by Accident (Liberty, Blitzkrieg, May 23, 2013): While most people reading this are well aware of Eric Holder’s letter to Senator Patrick J. Leahy that four U.S. citizens have been killed by drones strikes, the real story here is that it appears only [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 24. Mai 2013
Homeland Security: Selling Counterfeit Goods Is Now ‘TERRORISM’
- Department of Homeland Security: Selling Counterfeit Goods is Now “Terrorism” (Liberty Blitzkrieg, May 22, 2013): If the IRS scandal wasn’t enough to convince you that bloated, corrupt, bureaucratic government institutions pose a greater threat to our freedoms than any terrorist attack ever could, this story should settle it once and for all. The Department [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2013
Eric Holder Admits To First Americans Killed By Drone Strikes
- Eric Holder Admits To First Americans Killed By Drone Strikes (ZeroHedge, May 22, 2013): In a letter to Congress (below), AG Eric Holder admitted that the administration deliberately killed American Anwar al-Awlaki (the radical Muslim cleric) in a drone strike in September 2011 adding, as the NY Times reports, “the decision to target Anwar [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013
UKIP’s Nigel Farage: A Fraud On EU Taxpayers (Video – European Parliament, May 21, 2013)
YouTube Description: • European Parliament, Strasbourg, 21 May 2013 • Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the ‘Europe of Freedom and Democracy’ (EFD) Group in the European Parliament – http://nigelfaragemep.co.uk • Joint debate: European Council meeting (22 May 2013) – tax fraud and tax havens Speech transcript: “Thank [...] continue reading the breaking news
Vaccine Injured Children In Small African Village Used Like Lab Rats And Left To Die
Children vaccinated in Africa were severely harmed by vaccines. - Revealed Government Documents Show Vaccine Injured Children in Small African Village Used Like Lab Rats (Vactruth, May 19, 2013): In December 2012, vaccine tragedy hit the small village of Gouro, Chad, Africa, situated on the edge of the Sahara Desert. Five hundred children were locked [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013
White House Explains: Obama Didn’t Know What He Knew When Everyone Else Knew What He Should Have Known
- White House Explains: Obama Didn’t Know What He Knew When Everyone Else Knew What He Should Have Known (ZeroHedge, May 20, 2013): Yesterday, when we reported that as a result of new disclosures regarding the timing of who learned what, but most importantly when, in the White House regarding the IRS persecution (if not [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 20. Mai 2013
Taxes On Some Wealthy French Top 100 Percent Of Income (Reuters)
Gerard Depardieu recently received a Russian passport after giving up his French citizenship, saying he was doing so to avoid a new tax rate of 75 percent on the highest incomes. - Taxes on some wealthy French top 100 pct of income: paper (Reuters, May 18, 2013): More than 8,000 French households’ tax bills topped [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013
Why Was A Sunday Times Report On US Government Ties To Al-Qaeda Chief Spiked? & Gladio B
Flashback: Just one month after this article has been published in the Guardian Robin Cook DIED: - Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: ‘Al-Qaida, Literally “The Database”, Was Originally The Computer File Of The Thousands Of Mujahideen Who Were Recruited And Trained With Help From The CIA To Defeat The Russians’ (More info on Al-CIAda [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 18. Mai 2013
From Petrodollar To Petrogold: The US Is Now Trying To Cut Off Iran’s Access To Gold
- From Petrodollar To Petrogold: The US Is Now Trying To Cut Off Iran’s Access To Gold (ZeroHedge, May 16, 2013): The US is moving to broaden its ‘blockade’ efforts of Iran to the movement of pure gold into the Islamic Republic. The US-led embargo of Iranian crude succeeded in slowing the flow of petrodollars [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 17. Mai 2013
Russian Pacific Fleet Warships Enter Mediterranean For First Time In Decades, To Park In Cyprus
- Russian Pacific Fleet Warships Enter Mediterranean For First Time In Decades, To Park In Cyprus (ZeroHedge, May 16, 2013): Earlier we reported that the US has now officially landed a Marine force in Israel as well as an assault ship, in a visit that the US Navy promptly assured “is not associated with, nor [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013
The Military Is Now Preparing To Take Over For The Police Across The U.S.
- The Military is Now Preparing to Take Over for the Police Across the United States (Liberty Blitzkrieg, May 14, 2013): There are several things one would want to accomplish ahead of the formation of a totalitarian state. One of these is to fill the minds of the citizenry with mindless propaganda and make them [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013
Russia Captures US Embassy Worker In Act Of CIA Recruitment; CIA’s ‘Dropbox’ Gmail Address Revealed
- Russia Captures US Embassy Worker In Act Of CIA Recruitment; CIA’s “Dropbox” Gmail Address Revealed (ZeroHedge, May 14, 2013) continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013
Attorney General Eric Holder To Recuse Himself From AP Leak-Gate Investigation
- AG Holder To Recuse Himself From AP Leak-Gate Investigation (ZeroHedge, May 14, 2013): From one farce to another: *HOLDER SAID TO RECUSE HIMSELF FROM AP PHONE RECORDS CASE *HOLDER SAID TO RECUSE HIMSELF BECAUSE HE WAS QUESTIONED IN CASE Yesterday, the Associated Press revealed the Department of Justice had been secretly monitoring both the [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 13. Mai 2013
Crap Cannon: Israel Sprays Putrid Liquid To Control West Bank Crowd (RT Video)
YouTube Added: 11.05.2013 Description: Israel has given the green light for the construction of a further 300 homes in a West Bank settlement.The number of eviction incidents has risen sharply since a new Israeli government, with even stronger opposition to a 2-state solution, took office in March. And the Israeli defense force are ready to [...] continue reading the breaking news
Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013
Texas Votes 100-47 To Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Gun Control Laws
- Texas votes 100-47 to nullify unconstitutional federal gun control laws (Natural News, May 12, 2013): The state of Texas continues to fight back hard against federal intrusions, especially in the area of gun control as President Obama and some Washington lawmakers push for new laws infringing upon the Second Amendment’s right of Americans to [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 11. Mai 2013
Hidden In The Immigration Reform Bill: National Biometric Database Of All Adult Americans
- Guess What’s Hidden in the Immigration Bill? A National Biometric Database for Citizens (Liberty Blitzkrieg, May 10, 2013): Oh just another eight hundred page “bipartisan” bill that nobody will read, mainstream media will refuse to cover, and that will merely further destroy any remnants of freedom left in these United States. Never forget the [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 10. Mai 2013
Communism For Some, $815 Million For Others: How Mao’s Granddaughter ‘Greatly Leapt Forward’ To Untold Riches
All Chinese are equal, but some Chinese are more equal than others. - Communism For Some, $815 Million For Others: How Mao’s Granddaughter “Greatly Leapt Forward” To Untold Riches (ZeroHedge, May 9, 2013): For a country, whose founder Chairman Mao once upon a time envisioned great wealth equality for all and a communist utopia, things [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013
Israel Informs U.S. That Russia Plans To Sell Weapons To Syria
So why not attack Russia because they might want to send some weapons to Syria, … … like Israel claims to have attacked Syria, because it wanted to send some advanced missiles to Hezbollah??? Oh, wait a minute, it’s RUSSIA!!! - Putin: Russia Will Not Tolerate Another Israeli Attack On Syria And Would Respond: Israeli [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2013
Deputy Of Slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens: U.S. Special Forces Told To Stand Down During Benghazi Attacks
- Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told “you can’t go” to Benghazi during attacks (CBS News, May 7, 2013): The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by [...] continue reading the breaking news
Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013
U.S. Air Force’s Sexual Assault Prevention Chief Arrested For Sexual Assault
- Air Force’s sexual assault prevention chief arrested for sexual assault (CBS News, May 6, 2013): The police report alleges that a drunken Krusinski “approached a female victim in a parking lot and grabbed her breasts and buttocks.” The victim fought the suspect off as he attempted to touch her again and alerted police. … [...] continue reading the breaking news
Ron Paul: Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles – ‘This Is A House Of Cards’
- Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles (The Free Foundation, by Ron Paul): Last week at its regular policy-setting meeting, the Federal Reserve announced it would double down on the policies that have failed to produce anything but a stagnant economy. It was a disappointing, but not surprising, move. The Fed affirmed that it is prepared [...] continue reading the breaking news
Montag, 6. Mai 2013
Sonntag, 5. Mai 2013
Bush Official: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Could Be ‘Israeli False Flag Operation’
- Bush Official: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Could Be “Israeli False Flag Operation” (ZeroHedge, Mai 3, 2013): It is likely that Al Qaeda rebels – and not the Syrian government – carried out the chemical weapons attack which the hawks in Washington are trying to use as a reason to invade.Haaretz reported on March 24th, [...] continue reading the breaking news
Samstag, 4. Mai 2013
South Carolina House Approves Bill Criminalizing Enforcement Of ‘Obamacare’
- SC House Approves Bill Criminalizing Enforcement Of ‘Obamacare’ (CBS/AP, May 3, 2013): COLUMBIA, S.C. — The South Carolina House approved a bill Wednesday criminalizing the implementation of President Obama’s health care law in the state. The Republican-controlled House voted 65-39 on the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act. The act renders “null and void certain [...] continue reading the breaking news
Freitag, 3. Mai 2013
Guantanamo Attorney Dead In Apparent ‘Suicide’
From the article: He is survived by an 11-year-old daughter. Related info: - Welcome To Guantanamo: Obama’s Hunger Striking, Force Feeding Torture Camp - Guantanamo attorney dead in apparent suicide (RT, May 2, 2013): An American lawyer representing detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp has been found dead in an apparent suicide. The body [...] continue reading the breaking news
Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013
US Boeing 747 Crashes And Burns At Bagram Air Base In Afghanistan (Video)
- US Boeing 747 crash and burn caught on dashcam in Afghanistan (VIDEO) (RT, April 30, 2013): Harrowing footage of a US cargo plane in Afghanistan plummeting to the ground immediately after takeoff and erupting in a massive ball of flames has emerged online. All seven passengers onboard were killed. Video apparently shot from a [...] continue reading the breaking news
Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2013
Political Activists May Be Banned From San Francisco’s Public Transportation System
- Political Activists May be Banned from San Francisco’s Public Transportation System (Liberty Blitzkrieg, April 30, 2013): This article seems innocuous enough…until you keep reading. At first it appears entirely reasonable that the BART system (Bay Area Rapid Transit) might look to ban riders for a year who act violently while using the service. However; [...] continue reading the breaking news
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